Wednesday, June 07, 2006


This is going to be a photo blog. I am trying to separate photos from words and verbiage. At least I am going to try!

Over the years, we have made various trips around the world and to areas wher we never thought we might go. Since this is going to be retrospective, the album may not be in chronological order until sometime in the future. Please bear with me.

Family Values:
We are a family fo five. You may sum up our credo in life to be:

1. To know God and enjoy Hime forever, through His Son, Jesus Christ.
2. To live a life worthy of Jesus, i.e. to love justice (integrity), to have mercy (compassion) and to walk humbly with our God (righteousness). This motto is from the Bible, the book of Micah, chapter 6 and verse 8.
3. To do all things to the best of our ability, as to the Lord and not to man. That is, whatever we do, we will do it well, because we want to please God.

Are we perfect? I only wish we were. We have lots of faults and often do not live righteously or humbly or justly. But thanks be to God, we are able to be within the general guidelines of our motto. God looks at our heart and not at our actions. From the heart comes all the issues of life!

God bless

Joshua Raj (The Patriach - or so I hope!)
Elizabeth Raj (The Matriach)

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